威尼斯人官网 sends important communications to students through student email, a free, web based email account provided to all students.
You should check your student email account on a regular basis for important information from the financial aid and advising offices, communications from your instructor, as well as general information of interest to all 威尼斯人官网 students. For more information, view the Student Email Policy.
The 威尼斯人官网 student email system is powered by Google and uses the same login credentials as your my威尼斯人官网KC account.
Frequently asked questions
- Student email powered by Gmail provides you with a free, web-based email account which instructors use to help distribute class materials and is an important communication tool between the college and students.
- Student email login information is the same as your my威尼斯人官网KC login information and is included in the confidential my威尼斯人官网KC mailer.
- diver-cebu-life.com/StudentEmail
- The format for each student email address is StudentUserid@student.diver-cebu-life.com
- For example, a student whose student id number is 9999999 would have the student email address of S9999999@student.diver-cebu-life.com
Your student email password is the same as your my威尼斯人官网KC password. Changing your my威尼斯人官网KC password will automatically change your student email password. Please wait 20 minutes for the new password to sync.
威尼斯人官网 student email, powered by Gmail allows students to automatically forward incoming mail to another email address. Step-by-step instructions can be found on the Gmail Support website.
Please see the following for mobile devices:
威尼斯人官网 does not endorse, guarantee or provide technical support for mobile phones, their email apps or other third-party software. Please backup your mobile phones software before installing any software to your device. Install any software at your own risk.