Graphic Design

Graphic design program reference guideOur world is designed. Graphic designers have had a hand in the look of virtually everything you see that is not a part of the natural world: signs, logos, products, websites, product packaging, album covers, publications. The list is endless. Even a soup can shows the work of a designer.

Graphic designers plan, analyze and create visual solutions to communications problems. They use color, type, illustration, photography, animation, and layout techniques to communicate a message, whether it is in print or digital media.

Our graphic design program lets your talent flourish giving you a solid and broad art background, including design foundations, drawing, color theory, photography, printmaking, design software, web design, typography, and other graphic design courses.

...gets you ready...

Our Associate in Applied Science degree gives you ready access to jobs in the graphic design field. Graphic designers with a broad liberal arts education and experience in marketing and business management will be best suited for positions developing communication strategies.

Program admission

Follow these steps to apply to the program

Skills testing

The skills test must be completed/passed before the semester you plan to enroll in GDES160 (offered only in the Spring). Students can take the skills assessment ONCE per semester.

If a student requires ADA accommodations, they must present a form from the ACCESS office that outlines the needed accommodations at least 2 days prior to their testing date. If accommodations cannot be made within reason or in time, another testing date will have to be chosen.


More information



You'll find graphic designers working at advertising agencies, design firms, publications, printing companies, marketing firms, in-house corporate and organizational agencies, television stations and as freelancers.


Average career growth for graphic designers.

Visit Occupational Information Network (O*NET) to view salary information and employment outlook.

Transfer made simple


Whatever your transfer destination, we'll work to make sure your credits move easily. That's why we're experts at it. We've worked out specific transfer agreements with many four-year colleges and universities.

All general education credits will transfer to most colleges, and most ART and GDES courses transfer to a four-year degree. Check with the program coordinator before starting the program to make sure your transfer will be as smooth as possible.

Frequently asked questions

Ready To Start Your Future?

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